Increase customer satisfaction with sales-promoting extras

Unique delivery experience
for your customers

Impress your community and customers by creating a personalized unboxing experience for you. We design your delivery individually: printed shipping boxes, flyers, adhesive tapes, stickers or stamps.

Branded inserts

Your customers will be happy to receive a small gift or a voucher as an addition.

Branding on packages or tape

Strengthen your brand loyalty with eye-catching elements on your packaging.

Flyer management

Together with you, we create unique flyers that strengthen customer loyalty and secure the next purchase.

Packing license

Legally on the safe side! If necessary, we will transfer your quantities to the LUCID system.

Faster delivery times

Speed up your shipping process: faster delivery for higher customer satisfaction

Automated processes

Reduce manual tasks through smart automation and processes

Integrate with Shopify

Seamless connection to Shopify for seamless online shop management.

Smart user interface

The user-friendly interface makes it easy to control fulfillment and your orders

Cost transparency

Easy presentation of all costs for effective budgeting and overview

Control from anywhere

Your fulfillment processes available from anywhere and on the go - you stay in control

Improve customer communication

Automation and customer notifications about shipment status

Real-Time Troubleshooting

Instant notification of potential issues and assistance

Sustainable solutions when it matters

Represent your values and those of your customers

Our standard packaging and filling material are made from recyclable materials. Do you need contact with packaging manufacturers? We'll connect you! Our wide network offers you plenty of opportunities to find your ideal packaging. When it comes to procurement, we look for sustainable solutions for you.


Frequently asked questions about our promotional extras

Here are some frequently asked questions. Is there one that remains unanswered for you? Then feel free to contact us.
What kind of sales-promoting extras do you offer?
We provide you with printed shipping boxes, flyers, adhesive tapes, stickers, free samples, posters or stamps. We are of course open to individual extras!
Does branding my packages really strengthen customer loyalty?
Yes, definitely. When you use branded packages, adhesive tape, or stickers, you create a personal and emotional delivery experience for your customer.
How do you manage which flyer should go into which package?
With our flyer management service, you can adjust everything to suit your target group. Our system then automatically allocates the flyers. We always keep an eye on the quantities so that there are always enough flyers available.
Is it also possible to attach a document?
Yes, in addition to the invoice, delivery note and customs documents, individual customer documents are also possible. Depending on the content, customer satisfaction can also be increased here.
Can you also take care of recording packaging quantities subject to participation?
Yes, our software calculates packaging quantities in no time at all. If required, we create a clear list (period, country, quantities) for easy evaluation for reporting to LUCID. In this way, you meet all legal requirements.

Any questions left?

Reach out to us anytime. We are happy to receive your message.

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